Covid-19 Policy

Salon Policy

Our stylist will have their own designated work stations. They will sterilise their designated work area after each client. All our stylist will be wearing Visors and face masks according to the government guide lines.

We will only be allowing pre-booked appointments,  only the client booked in will be allowed into the salon unless there are medical reasons or they are accompanying a child.

If you do have any symptoms of COVID-19 i.e. a fever over 37.5 and a persistent cough and if anyone in your household has suspected symptoms of COVID-19 please DO NOT come to your appointment, re-arrange and follow

On Entry

  • On arrival (Please not not arrive early)  you will be asked to wait outside until your stylist is ready for you.
  • You will be asked to wear a face mask. (unless they medically cannot) we can supply them.(If any time you feel breathless or unwell because of the mask you will be allowed to remove it)
  • Your stylist will take your temperature on entry.
  • On entry to the salon you will be asked to use the  hand sanitizer straight away. This is located on the desk.
  • You the client will be taken to their seat if you are having a colour you will be taken  straight to the basin area and be seated in their stylist designated basin area.
  • You will  be asked to wear a disposable gown and neck guard.
  • When cutting or when finished around your ears you will be asked to hold their mask against their face using a paper towel and then asked to remove the mask loops from behind their ear whilst holding the mask against their face.
  • You will be asked to sanitizer your hands before leaving.

Your stylist will be wearing PPE equipment to protect themselves as well as you, we appreciate this is very strange but extremely necessary at this time. We will be using disposable gowns and towels for each client to ensure everyone’s safety

Due to guidelines if you are booked in for a colour it is important that you wash your hair that day and it is dry. If you suffer with a sensitive scalp, make sure your stylist is aware when booking your appointment.

We ask that you remain seated unless you need to use the toilet  which will be cleaned after each person.

Sadly, we will not be able to offer you any refreshments or magazines but please feel free to bring your own.

There is and addition £1 Charge towards our extra cost of PPE

Payments: Cash, Credit Card . Contactless payments are encouraged.